Staff - one of the main tools of magic.
It is used in magic and religious practices already during millenia.
It is the tool.
The Goddess and the God can be called for supervision over ritual by words and rise of a staff.
It is used for direction energy,
drawing of magic symbols or a circle on the ground to specify a direction of danger,
balancing on palms or in a hand of the sorcerer, and even for stirring a potion in the boiler.
The staff represents an element of Air and is devoted to the God.
Having felt, that the staff is filled, present a symbol - the Rhombus
divided into four parts is an ancient mark arable land,
Mothers of the Earth in general.
Put a symbol inside of a staff.
Imagine a symbol - the Tree of life - a link between three worlds
which were represented as three branches.
Krina - personifying forces of life
and goods which struggle against any evil in the world.
Enclose a symbol inside of a staff.
Imagine - one of variants solar a mark, a symbol which represented the sun and frequently
contacted the Supreme gods of different times.
Put a symbol inside of a staff.
Imagine - the Mark of heavenly water which at slavic pagans
settled down above the sky on which were located the Sun, the Moon and Stars.
Put a symbol inside of a staff.
Imagine the staff in work.
Finished meditation.
Begin magic ritual with application of a staff.