Kingdom of the Goddess


In the Scandinavian mythology the fair-haired
and blue-eyed goddess of love, continuations of a sort and fertility.
Her satellite was the hare .
Freyia was daughter Njorda and Nerthus goddess of sea .
Njord and Nerthus lived in Vanaheim - the world of gods
of the ground, fertility and death.
Freyia also was terrible female warrior, during fights she headed Valkyries.

Selecting falling soldiers and carrying away them in Valhalla.
Freyia frequently confuse with Frigg,
Wife Odina and the goddess of matrimonial love and a marriage.
Frigg loves ornaments as well as and Freyia.
In early �hristianity Freyia was considered as a witch
and it was expelled in mountains.

In pagan Freyia it is esteemed in a pantheon
of the Scandinavian and German gods.
She is bright expression of feminism,
combining sexuality, fertility, aggression and bravery.

1. Goddess - Freyia.

2. Element - Fire, Water.

3. Tree - Pine-tree.

4. Color - Gold

5. Animals - Cat, Falcon, Calf, Sucking-pig.

6. Symbol - Falcon's plumage, Necklace.

7. Protection - Love, Sex, War, Witchcraft.

8. Runes - Feoh, Beork, Peorth, Haegl, Lagu, Ing.

9. Day week - Monday.

10. Planet - Moon
